Thursday, 5 December 2019

Train the Trainer - A Complete Guide to The Module

Finding skilled workers is a very challenging task. In this competitive world, organizations need ongoing results-driven leadership training programs. With the right kind of training programs, the employees and managers can turn out to be a productive and profitable asset to their firm. Train the Trainer program® is one such essential leadership training module that encourages individuals to grow as an efficient leader.

What is Train the Trainer program®

The Train the Trainer program® provides instructions, coaching, and feedback to in-house trainers and develop team-building skills, supervisor skills, goal setting, self-esteem, and relationship management in them.

Why Train the Trainer program® is important?

Every trainer needs 2 sets of abilities and knowledge. Firstly, they must understand what they are teaching (content-related expertise) and secondly the correct method to convey their teachings (instruction expertise).

When a person is raised to the post of manager, he is not only accountable for his sole actions but also for his team members. It is the manager's prime duty to maintain smooth functioning and increase group cohesiveness.

Train the Trainer program® ditches the usual traditional lecture-style and schools the in-house trainers with more interactive and effective teaching styles.

How Train the Trainer program helps –

1. Helps in career transitioning

2. Gives a positive outlook to training techniques

3. Enhances earning capacity

4. Helps in career growth

5. Develops your training charisma

6. Draws inspiration from real life to be more relatable

7. Proves to be a guide for training senior management

8. Helps you build your own brand

Join Our Community of Certified Trainers

Your training will be a successful attempt when you choose the right Leadership training partner. VitalSmarts® is one of the most renowned corporate training companies in India with over 21 years of experience helping clients achieve success in their respective fields. The Train the Trainer® offers dynamic, engrossing and enriching leadership training to our clients with an unforgettable experience. It is an easy-going and enjoyable program facilitated by our Master Trainers.

Sunday, 10 November 2019

Best Leadership training program to enhance and develop leadership in the organization

Managers and employees are the backbones of the organization. In order to make them more effective and productive, there are various training programs that are available such as skill development training, leadership training program, etc. Whether it’s a leader or an employee, everyone needs the training to enhance their performance and productivity. Our Skill Development Training programs are specified to enhance the skills of your employees.

The influencer training program under a leadership training course is dedicated to develop and enhance the skills of managers and employees with a systematic approach and plans. Our program aims to improve the efficiency of the employees for the overall growth of the organization. This training program is designed in such a way that it helps build trust among various teams to work together towards one goal.

Managers and leaders are responsible for managing the employees and organizations that’s why they require some training so that they can do their job more efficiently and effectively. Employees require an environment where they can get proper guidance and opportunities so that they can grow and develop. Skill Development Training program is must needed for your employees and managers and it will surely drive a good result.

Train the trainer

With VitalSmarts’ Train the trainer program, an organization can Train their trainer with an easy and inexpensive training program. Not only does this program teaches your employees to grow as an individual but it also helps them become trainers so that other employees can also reap the benefits of the training from the person which will be beneficial for the overall growth of the organization.

No one can deny the fact that any project is dependent on the skills of the individual. The skills may be communication, business/IT skills, interpersonal skills, and some others that are required for the employees. We are providing a time-tested training program needed for the organization’s success.

Vitalsmarts India - Corporate Training

Unit No. 629-634, 6th Floor, Vipul Trade Centre, Sohna Road, Sector - 48, Gurgaon - 122018, Haryana(India)
Toll Free: 1800-102-1345
Phone: +91-124-2666030

Saturday, 12 October 2019


Some people claim that “Effective communication is like an instinct”. But then how do some things go so badly during discussions, meetings and debates? It is not an instinct always, some people might be more skilled with effective communication but not everyone is expected to be that way. According to textbooks and the internet, “Effective communication is defined as verbal speech or other methods of relaying information that get a point across”. In simpler words, the act of conversing to make your point and to understand the point of others without any trouble is called effective communication.
First impression lasts long. So before starting out your career, it is important to pull yourself together and eradicate any fears you might have. No matter which field you choose, you will be required to interact with hundreds of people in a single day, thousands if you count month wise! The better you are at interaction and management, the better your performance and reputation. But what about those people who have a hard time being around people on a daily basis? Don’t work yourself up because we are here with our Effective communication program to help you with just that.
This program aims to polish your communication skills, so that you never face any trouble while interacting with your clients or boss for the matter. In today’s competitive world, literally everyone is expected to have at least moderate communication skills, if not best. The more effective your communication skills are, the more likely you are to grow in your job. But what exactly makes our communication skills effective?
  • Making yourself heard with strong points and not with aggression.
  • There is not a specific attitude that you can put up to work efficiently, but being clear and calm is the first right thing to do.
  • You don’t have to be talking all the time. Listen to the others, suggest your own opinions. People tend to be more cooperative if they feel you are actually listening to them.
  • Don’t ever assume. Always be on your guard and be attentive.
Effective communication is not important only your work life. Often we get in trouble in our personal life because of miscommunication and misunderstandings. In order to avoid that and to make your lives easier, you must have good communication skills. Our program helps you realize the source of the fears and weaknesses, and also strengthen them so as to overcome it. This program is designed for all kind of people from each possible field. Effective communication is the key to interpersonal skills as well as to success and happiness. It secures your position in your work field, shapes your relationships with people in your personal life. And combined, makes you more confident about yourself in general. And who doesn’t want to be self-assured and secure with their positions and relations in life?
Join us, at a minimum, and enhance your natural abilities by strengthening your weaknesses with our Effective communication program.

Interpersonal Skills — Vitalsmarts India

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Leading By Example and Effective Communication

Leadership may seem very attractive. But it is a skill that is really hard to master. Being a leader, it is expected a lot from a person. It takes a lot of learning and mastering to be a good leader. A consistent run of being a good leader makes a great leader. Do you aspire to train your employees into great leaders? An extensive Leadership training program is the answer. The program focuses on empowering employees with the skill set required to make great leaders.

Leaders Will Be Leading Team by Example

The first thing to be a leader is to lead by example. Leaders are not dictators. Being a leader you cannot be bossing around people about things you don’t do. If you are not punctual don’t expect others to be. A leader is punctual and he inspires the group to be more punctual. The leader is sincere and that inspires the rest of the group to be more sincere and ardent in their work. If you fail to lead by example, then that turns into dictatorship. That gets the work done, but it inhibits the creativity of the workers. But when you are a good leader, you bring out the best out of people. Work gets done for the leader voluntarily. This is the first thing your employees, managers, and leaders will learn at Leadership Training Program.

Effective Communication Is Very Essential

You don’t get to be a leader unless you are able to communicate effectively with your group. Communication has to be clear and inspiring. Inspiring communication is the key to boost positive energy in team. Communication has to be thought out in the proper way. Conveying the right words at the right time boosts the morale of the team and brings out the best in them. Choice of words plays a crucial role in communication and the right time to speak is key to Effective Communication. Speaking exercises are an important part of this Leadership Training Program. Employees master the art of speaking and become crafty in choice of words.

Communication Makes Your Employees Complete Leaders

Communication is not a one way traffic. Communication involves both speaking and listening. As a leader, you may be so eager to instill your thoughts into the minds of your team. But until employees heed their ears to the group they are only half a leader. Effective communication is made complete when they listen to what the team has to say and take their voice into account. This gives the group quality to be more reliable. Above all, they earn the trust and respect of the group. This respect makes the group obligated to them thereby providing them with efficient group to function productively. The listening part of Effective Communication is done with a lot of patience and practice. Listening is a very important skill that is often ignored by leaders. The best Leadership Training Program trains your employees to be a patient listener by giving activities to enhance that aspect of brain.

The Leadership Training Program has one ultimate goal and that would be to make every employee a better leader. The enlightenment of the training you get at this Leadership Training Program comes to your organization and your leaders will be spreading the sweet aroma of success everywhere.

Saturday, 2 March 2019

How Behavioral Skills Training And Communication Style Affect Your Employee’s Engagement

Team management for the enhanced performance is very crucial along with avoiding all barriers that may affect the organizational success and growth. Behavioral Skills Training will be very effective in training your employees and enabling them to manage the people and work effectively to tackle down the barriers along organization’s success. The program is about developing skills and delivering measurable results and is befitting for those who have supervisory responsibilities to manage people and processes.

While managing everything in organization, the most effective skills that people must adopt is a better communication skill. The Behavior Skills Training and communication skills training let employees manage every conflict, people, and processes to be managed for better performance, enhanced productivity, and improved results.

Apart from behavioral skills training, your employees also need to be trained for better communication and collaboration. Communication is a significant skill for doing business and it should be effective. For instance, if you are not able to convey exactly what you are thinking during communication, it may turn into disaster and your business will get suffer. For a healthy conversation it is very necessary that the speaker and the receiver understand gestures, symbols, tone of voice and words being used by other. That’s why you must understand the concept of How To Overcome Communication Barriers:

1- Be clear with your thoughts

You must be clear with the thought, idea, and matter that you want to convey with the receivers. You must arrange the matter in a proper manner before sending your message.  Well-mannered and systematic communication with clarity in words will be received at greater appreciation and answered in positive way.

2- Understand the requirement of the receiver and their perception too

“Who are at receiving end” is greatly affected by “what and how you should convey your message”. For example, if you are talking with a novice person, you should avoid core technical terms and make your message simple while communicating with professionals you should be sophisticated and mature while choosing the words. You should align your communication style along with the requirement, nature, religion, and culture of the receivers and must take care of their feelings and thought.

3- Look for others how they are communicating

You must be aware with how others are communicating at the same level to know How To Overcome Communication Barriers. That’s why you must be connected with your seniors and other colleagues to understand how they are communicating. The benefits you will get is in context of increased motivation and knowledge that you can use while meeting and communicating to fulfill your intention.

4- Take care of your tone, language and the way you are communicating

Message should be created in much simpler words and you must keep your tone polite that attracts the receivers. Content should be simple, short, crisp and must have clear thought, you should avoid jargons or informal words while talking to professionals. Most importantly, you must create an interesting message to share your thoughts otherwise you might end up with a sleepy receiver.

5- Have a feedback from the target

Feedback will be very helpful for you after communication, it will help you to monitor “how your communication is going” and you will get to know How To Overcome Communication Barriers. Never forget to ask “what they thought about your message” and improve your communication style for future.