Differing opinions, turbulent heated
discussions emotional vulnerability and high stakes. Caught in this
unfavourable situation? What would you do now? The easiest option would be to
run away, the manipulative option would be to avoid the situation and pass the
burden on someone else but the most difficult and at the same time the best
thing to do would be to face the situation and talk it through. Yes, we are
hinting at the power of crucial conversation. It is the dialogue that has the
potential of solving the most convoluted problems.
The dialogue is unlike any other and one
has to take serious steps rather restrain and control avoid swaying between two
extremes i.e. silence and violence. These kind of conversational skills do not
come easy and one needs to be trained in it. So what do the crucialconversations training module in India look like?
Believe in the power of
dialogue: This is the most important step. You ought to believe in it to gain
from it. There is no point getting into something half-heartedly. The aim of
the dialogue is arrive at a shared and collective success through the exchange
of ideas, opinions and experiences.
Focus and to the point: The
person entering into the conversation or dialogue with the client is to be
clear as to what exactly do you want? There is no scope of going astray midway
through the conversation. Focus and determination are the two prerequisites on
which such important conversations thrive. There is no need and space to
divulge into personal matters or things from the past. Also, do not digress
Identify dangers: A good
crucial conversations training skills in India by the best trainers would focus
on identifying the conversation breakers. There are signs that hint toward the
conversation coming to an end. The point is to arrive at mutual benefit. At no
point should you compromise the other person’s safety and avenue for growth.
Control over emotions: Anger,
sadness, depression, hurt are best avoided. Emotions do not run businesses. The
impact that they create is far from reasonable. Logic is the best way to handle
intense situations and not flared up emotions.
Persuasion: this is a skill
that has no competition. You must be persuasive and make sure you win over the
other person’s confidence. Persuasive skills are the ones that differentiate
between a good communicator and influencer and an average one. At the same time
ensure you do not come across as an abrasive and arrogant individual. Humility
is a non-negotiable virtue that can and should not be compromised upon.
Action-oriented: This is the
final and perhaps the most important step of any good and holistic crucial
conversations training skill. The point of any heated argument or discussion is
met only when those dialogues translate into actions. The inability to achieve
this throws a shroud of disdain over the healthy conversations and renders them
unproductive, disappointing and ineffective.
Crucial conversations training in India is
not mainstream by any stretch of the imagination. Slowly but surely, it is
getting there though! Companies, businesses and organizations who want to
spread their wings and grow rapidly are recognizing the innate importance of
the subject. Knowing that it is here to stay, taking the plunge before your
competitors will definitely help you with that much needed edge in the rat