Monday, 28 September 2015

Change Anything Training

Individual behaviour challenge is a big one. It could involve anything and everything. It could be that habit of procrastinating important things and leaving it for the end or it could be something as every day as smoking. Either ways, the ramifications are catastrophic. The magnitude and degree might vary but collective failure as a result of individual behaviour does hurt. It is best to take measures to bring that under control and that is precisely the motive of Change AnythingTraining.
Change Anything Training involves comprehensive methodologies that focus on changing anything that has detrimental impact on organisations and individuals. The goal is to bring about personal, social, environmental harmony between individuals and their surroundings. It would not be surprising but certain lacks and erratic behaviours lead to a significant dip in productivity and harmony and addressing these bring about positive change. That is exactly what Change Anything Training aims at. The methodologies and time frame might vary depending upon the need and goals. It is more of a customised training module that alleviates complexities and complications and simplifies things at the professional and personal arena. It could be availed by any person going through a rough patch in work or personal life. The goal is clear cut to manage eccentricities that hinder productivity. So there is no specific audience or specific set of problems that are on the radar of Change Anything Training.
Organisations that undergo changes in terms of structures and human resource shuffling are said to be the receptors of certain complexities because of individual insecurities and fears. It is here that Change Anything Training assumes primacy. Such behaviours need to be checked else could lead to a workplace mayhem.
The most important component is giving a clear picture of all the elements involved and bursting certain myths. It is not just about will power and that is the first step. There are a lot of dynamics involved and the training is imparted by professionals who are well aware of the specificities. It is a series of precautionary and preventive measures that begin right from diagnosis of a problem of behaviour pattern to the redressal leading to calm and peace.
The individuals are put through tests and therapy session or rather counselling (nothing to be scared of) and made to contemplate what is the root cause of their problem that is not allowing them to evolve. Thereafter, a mechanism is devised to address the problems. Action assumes primacy and training begins.
Corporate cultures are perhaps the worst receptors of such behaviour challenges. This is so because of the absolute disruption of harmony among individuals. This leads to dip in sales and that is an issue that needs immediate attention. That is why almost all corporate make it a point to hire experts that specialise in Change Anything Training. Periodic assessments are necessary to identify problems without giving much opportunity to grow. In fact, such training can lead to better results and profits for organisations.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Change is the Only Constant in Business

Organizational change is a necessary prerequisite for implementing and succeeding at a business transition strategy. Change often involves adopting new technological advancements and mindsets and may even extend to making certain human resource changes in order to achieve newer targets with greater vigour. 

However, it is crucial to have a flexible framework for better organisational change management involving the cooperation and acceptance of most of the employees.  Vital Smarts as the name suggests, has a smart and dedicated team that has devised many good plans to help you with better organisational change management. They’ve been in the said domain for a substantial period of time now, having garnered a wide customer base, thanks to their service quality and performance standards.
Given how competitive the business world is, comprehensive organizational change management is the need of the hour. There are certain strategies to handle organisational change management. Let us have a closer look at some of them:

·         Organisational Readiness Assessment:

Ø  Well, this is a rather important step that needs to be taken before implementing organizational change. You need to be completely aware of the number of employees in favour of the anticipated change, because it will directly impact their performance and subsequently, of the organisation.
Ø  Of course, it doesn’t mean that you need to take into account and adhere to all the unnecessary resistance but testing the waters might help you come with better persuasive strategies and be better equipped to handle resistance to the new organizational change. Therefore, inadvertently this is the first step towards successful organizational change management. 

·         Start Early:

Ø  The planning must be done in a structural manner and that too well in advance. This ensures space for a number of things sans any last minute hassles.
Ø  There are many benefits to starting early, as it ensures successful organisational change management. This includes proactive application of the anticipated strategies and prepares the employees for their newer roles.
Ø  This leaves ample space for adapting to the newer policies. It definitely ensures a wider sense of enthusiasm and engagement. This in a way brings the entire team together to plan and improvise on the changes.
Ø  Of course, it would also lead to better solutions being thought of in case of any complexity or deadlock. Hence, early beginning is crucial to effective organisational change management.

·         Ensure involvement:

Ø  One cannot carry on successful organisational change management before involving the entire team or at least a significant majority. There has to be a good communication between the employees and the management.
Ø  Sometimes change in itself is not that big an issue, but the fact that it is being imposed forcibly becomes the point of discontent. This situation is best avoided.

·         Effective delegation:

Ø  The focus should be to ensure effective delegation of employees in the newer roles. Organisational change management can be ensured only by engaging right people at the right places.
Ø  This makes employees realise their worth leading to better commitment and productivity.

·         Be firm:

Ø  This goes without saying, and forms the backbone of effective organisational change management.
Ø  The ones at the top positions should be absolutely sure of their decision and evade even a small percentage of doubt.
Ø  This makes the employees realize the conviction and seriousness of the issue. In case you keep faltering, the situation would become rather comical and would not portray you in the best of light.
·         Be positive and exude patience:

Ø  Any structural and organisational changes take time to get going. So, patience is the golden word here!
Ø  Keep realistic expectations and do not think miracles would happen.
Ø  Be persistence in the effort and wait for things to turn around.

Monday, 14 September 2015

The Big C of Business – Communication

Business and communication are two distinct categories that make a significant whole. In today’s fierce and competitive economy, it is almost impossible to do without effective business communication skills. Business communications are not simply restricted to communication and conversational skills (though they form a major crux of the same) but include a plethora of activities like presentation skills, managerial abilities, e-mail writing and interpersonal communication. Vital Smarts has a pretty impressive business communications skill training program that is aimed at optimizing results and increasing overall productivity of the employees.

General Premise:
The basic premise of any successful program of this nature is to welcome ideas and segregate potentially successful ideas from the rest and make provisions for the astute implementation of the same. Receiving and transiting information therefore become rather instrumental in laying the stepping stone to any effective and impactful business communications skills training.
The nitty-gritty of Business Communication
Diplomacy, tact and manipulative skills are very crucial in excelling at any business communications skills training. It is imperative for an organization to set clear cut goals for future course of action. The next step involves structuring this information in a cohesive and logical manner to put it through the audience base. The techniques of communication vary distinctly between the organization and the prospective clients. This is a very important demarcation to keep in mind which dictates hugely successful business communication skills.
The Power of Presentation
PowerPoint presentations form the core of major businesses. A successful business communication skills training program aims at delivering skills to make a power pact and effective presentation with bullet points and correct use of graphics. Not only this, but the skills needed to present this before the clients in a formal yet conversational and lucid manner also formed a great crux of the program. This is due to the fact that presentations communicate effectively in today’s multicultural environment. A successful program aims at leaving the concerned person with a long lasting impact. This is why Vital Smarts India is tailor made to suit your ever-increasing business needs, having garnered invaluable experience in this particular domain over the years.
Assertiveness Vs Aggressiveness
Assertiveness goes a long way in making an impact and the same goes for business communications skill training. The ability to put forth your opinion in an assertive yet convincing manner performs the trick in most of the cases. The capability to say “no” in difficult situations and against mass opinion is what makes a good leader. It involves great deal of interaction and negotiation skills. A good program would also differentiate between being assertive and aggressive. This is a trait that most young professionals seem to overlook in their dealings.
The Innate Value of Time
Time management is by far the most important element of a successful business communications skills training. The ability to comply with deadlines without compromising on the quality of work is what differentiates between a good leader and an average one. A good and holistic program lists down strategies and tips to manage interruptions and work load efficiently.
Other Noteworthy Add-ons:
Media Management also makes a crucial part of the business communications skill training module. It is important for businesses to make their presence felt in the right way. Image building is hugely connected to successful media management. Technical writing courses also find a place in the program that aim to structuralize technical documents and press releases and writing effective and to the point emails that go on to determine client relations.
Partnering up with Vital Smart India’s business bible will enable you to step it up a notch, and empower your business with the wings it deserves. So what are you waiting for?

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

6 Ways to Reduce the Stress of Presenting

In the past 30 years, I’ve given more than 3,000 speeches to audiences across the world. Presentations have been such a central part of my work that many who know me best have been surprised to learn how much anxiety they used to cause me. After my fourth root canal, my dentist pointed out that I appeared to be grinding my teeth at night. He suggested a mouth guard. Over the next few years, I ground through three of them. Fortunately, materials science advanced faster than my grinding and I eventually received a more durable one. Still, I had almost resigned myself to the fact that fitful sleep, restless legs, and a variety of aches throughout my body were the price of the career I had chosen.
I knew I had turned a corner 10 years ago when I was invited to speak to a prestigious business audience at Radio City Music Hall. I slept peacefully the night before. And when I stepped through the crimson curtains to face 6,000 nattily dressed executives, my former panic and dread were replaced with a sense of exhilaration and gratitude.
As I came to realize that presentations would be a permanent facet of my career, I began accumulating tactics to increase my pleasure while reducing the pain. Here are six that have made an enormous difference for me:
1. Bless, don’t impress. I discovered that much of my stress was more about my motive than the event. I would fret and stew more about what I imagined people would think of me than whether I would effectively serve them. I was most stressed when my motive was more about looking good than doing good. I recall pulling to the side of the road in the hills above Silicon Valley on the way to a retreat with a tech executive team that I was especially worried about. I asked myself, “Why am I doing this?” As I looked out at the Valley, the tightness in my chest disappeared. A sudden clarity overtook me. My errand was not about me — it was about them. I focused on the important ideas I hoped to share. I no longer cared if I did it perfectly — I only hoped I would do it well enough that they would be blessed by the experience. My stress subsides when my motive is to bless rather than impress.
2. Rehearse, but don’t obsess. I’ve learned to discern when over-rehearsing is counterproductive. I provoke more stress in myself when my preparation moves past the point of diminishing returns. When it’s an obsession, not preparation, it’s time to simply disconnect and engage in some distracting activity. If I am giving a new presentation I will practice it three times: Once when I finish preparing it, again the day before, and finally a few hours before I go “on.”
3. Create rest stops. For three weeks prior to my first three-hour-long presentation, I could hardly digest my dinner. How could I possibly avoid losing my place for so long? I later discovered that while a 180-minute presentation can seem like an uncrossable minefield, a series of 10 minutes chunks feels more doable. I began to organize my material in smaller chunks that built logically on one another.
4. Make it a conversation. A related discovery that brought relief was that audiences hate protracted monologues almost as much as I fear giving them. Audiences disengage when your monologue yawns on. There are hundreds of clever ways to engage the audience that amplify the persuasiveness of your presentation, relieve the tedium of a lecture and reduce your anxiety by giving you rest stops. I combined this and the previous insight by breaking all of my lectures into small chunks separated by brief, relevant and topic-appropriate involvement activities.
Involvement activities can invite participants to think with you, feel with you, help you, or try something with you. For example, you could share data and invite the group to make sense of it with you (think); show a brief video that provokes relevant emotion on your topic (feel); ask someone to read a pertinent quote from an expert and comment on it (help); or attempt a skill you’re teaching in a safe and structured way (try). I’m often told that “sophisticated groups” don’t want to be involved. That’s baloney. They don’t want to be involved in silly or worthless ways. But they love a structured task that is relevant to the topic that makes them feel smart and respected.
For example, when I’m teaching the skills of our Crucial Conversations Training to an executive team I start out by pairing them up and asking them to show how they’d respond to an abusive physician in a brief video clip. I limit their response to one sentence, so they don’t feel they have to take on a dramatic role — and allow them to be playful if they prefer, rather than serious. That interaction anchors the subject I want to involve them in and warms up the room immediately. It also takes the pressure off of me for a moment while I get my bearings.
5. Know thyself. There’s nothing intrinsically stressful about a presentation. The stress is usually self-induced — often because it triggers some trauma you carry from a painful life experiences (i.e. the audience snickered when you squeaked rather than sang during a choir solo in third grade) that your mind conjures a connection to. Over time, I became aware that my self-imposed demands for perfection and craving of universal approval were my primary generators of anxiety. As I’ve developed sources of peace and a sense of worth that are independent of these unattainable goals, I’ve found it easier to focus on blessing and surrendered the need to impress.
6. Breathe. Psychologist Amy Cuddy gave me a very practical stress-reduction tool. In controlled experiments, she demonstrated that before entering a high stakes meeting, you can substantially reduce stress hormones in your blood by simply breathing deeply and slowly while assuming a powerful pose (think Wonder Woman or Superman). When last minute jitters take over, I’ve found a bathroom stall and used this one to great benefit.
Over the years, these tactics have helped me learn to connect in a meaningful way with groups, turning once-stressful presentations into some of the most gratifying experiences of my life. As I’ve learned to get out of my own head, ground myself in more intrinsic sources of worth, connect to my deeper motives for sharing, and justbreathe, the experience of standing in front of an audience is no longer a curse, but a blessing to me.